Yale Daily News Historical Archive

Daily News

The Yale Daily News Historical Archive contains over 140 years of digitized issues from the Yale Daily News, the nation’s oldest college newspaper. The Archive contains all the original text of the printed version of the Daily News including headlines, advertisements and articles. The archive is searchable and indexed. The Archive is open to the public and available for research, scholarship and teaching. The Yale Daily News has been a central source of news and debate at Yale for over 130 years. Its editors, writers and contributors have gone on to become leaders in politics, law, business, culture and academia. The Daily News is published Monday through Friday during the academic year. It also publishes a weekly magazine and several special issues, including the Yale-Harvard Game Day Issue, Commencement Issue and First Year Issue in collaboration with Yale’s cultural centers and affiliated student groups.

Founded in 1919, the Daily News was the first U.S. daily newspaper to be printed in tabloid format and reached its peak circulation at 2.4 million copies a day during World War II. It is currently owned by tronc, the publishing operations of Tribune Company, and is based in New York City. The paper has won a number of awards, most recently a Pulitzer Prize for public service journalism shared with ProPublica for an investigation of how local governments use eviction laws to forcibly evict tenants.

The News has often been a target of conservative critics, and its editors have been accused of displaying a liberal bias. However, the paper maintains that its editorial policy is unbiased and seeks to present all sides of a story. In recent years, it has ascended to the rank of the ninth most widely read newspaper in the United States.

Unlike the New York Times, which is a broadsheet, the Daily News is primarily a tabloid. Its front page focuses on local news and sports, and it also features gossip, celebrity news and opinion columns. Moreover, it provides extensive coverage of the New York Yankees, Mets and Giants.

The News is a major source of news in New York City, as well as national and international news. The Daily News website offers breaking news and a variety of other content, including video, podcasts and blogs. In addition, the site includes the Daily News archives and a search function. The website is available in multiple languages and mobile versions are offered for many devices. The newspaper also operates a television station and radio stations in the city. Its website is the most visited in the state of New York. The News has a high rate of reader engagement and receives more than five billion page views per month. The New York Times describes it as “New York’s most popular newspaper.” It has won numerous Pulitzer Prizes. In addition to its newspaper and broadcasting operation, the New York Daily News also owns a real estate company. In addition, the paper owns a stake in the digital sports site Bleacher Report.