The Role of Technology in Our Daily Lives


Technology is the result of the application of knowledge, skills, and methods. It includes processes used in scientific research and industrial production. It is often referred to as “knowledge applied”.

Instrumental definition of technology

The instrumental definition of technology emasculates the human agency that is intrinsic to technology, and instead emphasizes the equipments at humans’ disposal. The instrumental view treats technology as an objective force and a means to an end. However, it also gives rise to fears that technology will become out of control, and enshrines human agency within the narrow technical elite and the exceptional innovative genius. If we are to have a meaningful debate on the role of technology in our lives, we should be able to distinguish the two definitions.

The instrumental definition of technology focuses on human activity and the use of technology, arguing that the end does not determine the means. The means can draw upon the full range of human creativity, and the ends can be shaped by the values and beliefs of humans. In this way, technology can be rich and meaningful, while still meeting human needs. And, as technology improves, the end is not the end, but the means used to achieve that end.

Human element in technology

Lack of attention to the Human Element is one of the most common causes for technology implementation failure. Projects focusing on digital transformation, marketing automation, CRM, social collaboration, and business process optimization often fail because these initiatives neglect the human factor. Digital technologies are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, connecting many stakeholders, processes, and goals. The Human Element can make a huge difference in the success of these efforts. Using the Human Element in digital projects can increase the productivity and effectiveness of the project, while also allowing companies to take the human element into account.

Despite recent advances in technology, there is one key element that has not changed: the human element. Technology is nothing without the expertise and hard work of people. Without employee buy-in, creativity, and hard work, innovations are largely impossible. As such, good people management is critical to a company’s efficiency, profitability, and compliance. Here are 3 ways to maintain the Human Element:

Impact of technology on society

Whether you’re looking for answers to your most pressing questions or simply want to learn more about the role of technology in our daily lives, the impact of technology on society can be immense. While there is a positive impact, there are also negative effects to consider. Here are some examples of the impact technology has on society. In addition to changing our daily lives, it has also changed our genetic makeup. But does this impact justify its existence?

One of the most troubling effects of technology is the depletion of natural resources. Not only are there concerns about fossil fuels, but also food sources and other natural resources. Industrialization has also led to the widespread use of pollution. In cities around the world, factories create massive amounts of air pollution. This pollution has been linked to a rise in cancer and chronic illness incidents. Climate change is an increasingly controversial issue, but many scientists agree that human-induced climate change is a real problem.

Impact of technology on business

There are several ways in which technology has impacted business. New technologies have enabled businesses to adapt to new methods of working. The rise of electronic mail has improved business communication, and mobile phones allow workers to have conversations on the go. Mobile applications for smartphones and tablets enable businesses to perform numerous functions from creating documents and capturing images to conducting banking transactions. Many businesses have developed applications to make the most of these technologies, and many are utilizing them to streamline their daily operations.

With the ability to communicate with customers anywhere, mobile devices have made the business process far simpler. While parents used to keep large books of accounts and registers of important documents, technology has made keeping records easier. It also saves businesses time and money because employees no longer have to travel to meetings. In addition, technology helps businesses make better business decisions, saving time and money in the process. But the downside of technology is that it can expose important information about businesses, which can be used by competitors to plan a counter-strategy.