The Daily News

Daily News is a leading media brand, spanning print and digital, for news lovers everywhere. Its award-winning writers, columnists and opinion formers deliver the best in local, national and international news, New York exclusives, sports, gossip and entertainment.

Founded in 1919 as the Illustrated Daily News, it became one of the first tabloid newspapers in the United States and the largest paper in its market. Its sensational coverage of crime, scandal and violence along with lurid photographs, cartoons and other entertainment features attracted many readers.

The Daily News also offered strong local and city news coverage, celebrity gossip and classified ads. Its ad revenue was significant, making it a leading newspaper in the country at the time.

In the late 1920s, the paper moved to a larger building at 220 East 42nd Street, an official city and national landmark designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood, a prominent architect who also designed the Empire State Building. The building was a major landmark until the mid-1990s, when it was replaced by a refurbished structure on 33rd Street, which still bears its name. The News was a subsidiary of the Tribune Company until 1991, and it has since become part of Emmis Communications.

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ScienceDaily publishes breaking news about the latest discoveries in science, health, technology and more – from top universities and research organizations around the globe. Each topic page includes a headline, brief summaries, and links to scientific sources and journal citations.

Featured Articles and Units

Our featured articles are aligned with state and national standards, giving teachers easy access to lesson plans, activity ideas and other learning resources to help students engage with the text. Choose from a range of text sets to support ELA, science and social studies instruction, or browse the full list of topics.

Breaking News Stories

Our news and current events articles help students with diverse needs connect to the world around them. Breaking news stories help students understand and discuss the day’s top stories, and keep them up to date on world and sports news.

Each article features reading levels that match students’ diverse needs. With a wide variety of language options, including English, Spanish, French and Arabic, and three Lexile levels, every article is accessible to all learners.

The Daily News app provides an enhanced and interactive news experience to read and share the day’s top stories on any device, empowering readers to be informed in the palm of their hand. With a subscription, readers can swipe easily between newspaper pages and top news articles, share with friends via email or social media, and even download for offline reading.