The Daily News

The Daily News is a morning tabloid newspaper published in New York City. It was founded in 1919 and grew to be the first successful tabloid newspaper in the United States. It attracted readers with sensational coverage of crime and scandal, lurid photographs, and cartoons and entertainment features. Its headquarters at 450 West 33rd Street straddled the tracks going into Pennsylvania Station.

It is currently owned by Tronc, and has a circulation of more than 200,000 copies. Its editorial policy is liberal. It is considered a major source of information about politics, government, and current events in the United States. The newspaper also contains extensive sports and celebrity gossip. Its editorial content has a strong influence on public opinion in the United States.

In addition to reporting daily news, the newspaper offers opinion pieces that offer different perspectives on the news. It also publishes editorials that are critical of specific policies or government actions. The opinions in the editorials are often controversial and are a source of debate among readers and politicians. The Daily News has been called a “muckraker” and is one of the most influential newspapers in the United States.

It reports on world and domestic news with a focus on urban issues. It also provides extensive business and financial news and commentary. It is an important source of information for investors and businesspeople. Its website has a number of features that allow readers to interact with the newspaper and its writers.

The website includes a searchable archive of past Daily News articles. It also allows readers to sign up for email alerts about news stories. The newspaper is available in print, online, and on mobile devices. It is also available in Spanish.

A free digital edition of the Daily News is available for all subscribers. The Daily News E-dition is the most convenient way to read the paper from your computer or smartphone. It comes with an easy-to-use interface and the latest digital tools that enhance your reading experience.

Its content covers news, local events and sports in the New York metro area. The newspaper also has a wide range of entertainment and lifestyle articles. The website is updated several times a day and is free for all users. It has a wide variety of content and is an excellent source of information about the New York metro area.

Despite its many failings, the Daily News has been a major influence on American popular culture. It has been the subject of numerous books and is cited in songs by musicians. In addition, the newspaper has had a long history of investigative journalism and is known for its muckraking style. The newspaper has also been influential in the development of American comedy.

Its writers include such well-known figures as James Breslin, Mike Lupica, Rex Reed, and Jimmy Fallon. It has also covered a variety of sports events, including the New York Yankees and New York Mets. It has also covered a number of political scandals and tragedies.